I Made This Website
And Everything In It

(except for the fonts)

Let's Talk About Me...

My journey as a creative professional started early in my life with simple drawings. As I grew older and started reading more, my creative focus shifted to writing. For a long time, I worked on juvenile poetry and dozens of unfinished stories. Over time my skill sharpened, and my attention focused, allowing me to finish more serious projects. I have self-published four poetry books, and two of my short stories have made it into literary magazines.

I have since then pursued a slightly more stable profession in Graphic Design. I graduated last year with and Associates degree in Digital Arts - Design from my local community college. Because Web Design wasn't a focus as part of my degree, I wanted to add the skill to my list. Another motivation was the ability to build my portfolio from scratch. This led me into learning HTML and CSS. In my pursuit of learning Web Design, I actually became involved in the world of Front-End Web Development, going so far as to dive into Javascript which revealed my newest passion: Programming.

Now as someone accustomed to freelancing and independent artistry, I am seeking entry into a more structured professional landscape as either a Graphic Designer or a Developer. In the meantime, I continue to better my skills and add more to the list with personal projects and online learning.


Graphic Design

  • Logo Design
  • Layout Design
  • Web Design


  • Front-End Web Development
  • Algorithms & Problem Solving
  • Languages: Javascript, Ruby

Creative Writing

  • Editing
  • Poetry and Prose Writing
  • Conceptualization

Projects Finished and Unfinished

project Yggdrasil

project Yggdrasil logo




External Links